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01 - Route 01 Airport
12th Street and Lakeside Drive
12th Street at Atrium
12th Street at Fairmont Medical Plaza
12th Street at Mesa Manor Care Center
12th Street at Northwood Apartments
12th Street north of Bookcliff Avenue
12th Street north of Bunting Street (Colorado Mesa University)
12th Street north of Elm Avenue (Colorado Mesa University)
12th Street north of Grand Avenue
12th Street north of Hermosa Avenue
12th Street north of Main Street
12th Street north of Ouray Avenue
12th Street north of Walnut Avenue
12th Street north of Wellington Avenue
12th Street south of Grand Avenue
12th Street south of North Avenue (Lincoln Park Barn)
12th Street south of Orchard Avenue
12th Street south of Teller Avenue (Lincoln Park)
12th Street south of Walnut Avenue
1st Street and Pitkin Avenue (Catholic Outreach)
Downtown Transfer Facility (6th Street and South Avenue)
Grand Junction Regional Airport
Horizon Drive across from Motel 6
Horizon Drive and Crossroads Boulevard (Grand Vista Hotel)
Horizon Drive at Applebee's
Horizon Drive at Clarion Inn
Horizon Drive at Denny's Restaurant
Horizon Drive at Freddy's
Horizon Drive at Motel 6
Horizon Drive at Safeway
Horizon Drive at Taco Bell
Horizon Drive at Wendy's
Horizon Drive east of 12th Street (Safeway)
Horizon Drive east of G Road
Horizon Drive north of G Road
Horizon Drive north of Horizon Court (America's Best Value Inn)
Main Street East of 11th Street
Main Street east of 1st Street
Main Street east of 3rd Street
Main Street east of 4th Street
Main Street east of 5th Street
Main Street east of 6th Street
Main Street east of 8th Street (Ratekin Towers)
Main Street east of 8th Street (Ratekin Towers)
Main Street west of 11th Street
Main Street west of 3rd Street (Hampton Inn)
Main Street west of 4th Street
Main Street west of 5th Street
Main Street west of 6th Street
Main Street west of 7th Street
Pitkin Ave east of 3rd Street
Social Security Office (By Request Only)
Ute Avenue west of 3rd Street