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11 - Route 11 Shopping Malls
1st Street and Pitkin Avenue (Catholic Outreach)
1st Street south of Rood
24 1 / 2 Road at Picture Show
24 3 / 4 Road north of Highway 6 and 50 (Grand Mesa Center)
American Way east of Base Rock Street (Railyard Apartments)
American Way east of Base Rock Street (Railyard Apartments)
Base Rock Road south of Rimrock Avenue (Walmart)
Base Rock Street and Rimrock Avenue (Walmart - Loop at east Corner)
Bogart Lane south of West Independent Avenue (Chick Fil-A)
Bogart Lane south of West Independent Avenue (Sonic Drive-In)
Downtown Transfer Facility (6th Street and South Avenue)
Frontage Road west of 24 3 / 4 Road
Highway 340 west of West Avenue (Riverside)
Maldonado Street north of Gunnison Avenue
Maldonado Street north of Gunnison Avenue (Mesa Fitness)
Mesa Mall at Cabelas
Mulberry Street and West Ouray Avenue
Mulberry Street north of West Ouray Avenue
Pitkin Ave east of 3rd Street
Power Road at Safeway Grocery Store
Rice Street north of White Avenue (Mesa County Sheriff)
Rim Rock Shopping Plaza (Lowes)
Rood Avenue west of 1st Street
Spruce Street north of Rood Avenue (Justice Center)
Ute Avenue west of 3rd Street
West Independent Avenue east of 24 3 / 4 Road (behind Cottonwood Mall)
West Independent Avenue east of 24 3 / 4 Road (behind Cottonwood Mall)
West Transfer Facility